The exhibition by the renowned painter Georg Miciu Nicolaevici was inaugurated in a large exhibition area of Banco Ciudad. With the music of the Delyrium Lyricum choir and the wines of “Comarcas Andinas”. The public enjoyed Georg’s works, in a selection that spans from 1979 to 2022.
(Georg’s painting) “made with a palette knife reaches a unique perfectionism and virtuosity, in all aspects of technique and knowledge of color. Gesture prevails but guided by reason, to use familiar terms we could say “informalism”…perhaps, but we should not label his work.”
He has gone to the extreme of recognizing how light changes according to the study of the air in the places where he has lived. Hence his preference for working au plein air (outdoors), in contact with nature, to decipher it. He spent fifteen years living in the sierras of Córdoba painting his landscape, twenty-seven years in Patagonia. In San Martín de los Andes, where he was declared Illustrious Citizen, and where Colección Georg is located: a building that houses the work of the whole family, his father, his brother and among his 9 children: Emaús (painter) and Eliseo and Isaías (professional photographers).
Translated excerpt from a text by María Teresa Andrés published on March 5, 2023 for MDZ.